When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night? - Childs Farm

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

When do babies sleep through the night? It’s a common question for all parents of newborns and young children. It’s no surprise, as getting enough sleep for you and your baby can make a huge difference in how everyone feels during the day.

But do babies ever get long stretches of uninterrupted sleep at such an early age? It’s a valid question, so let’s take a few minutes to discuss what sleeping through the night means, why it’s important for your little one, what developmental milestones have to do with sleep, and when you can expect your baby to start having longer stretches of sleep. We’ll also share some tips for helping your child settle into a good night-time routine, so let’s get started!

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What does sleeping through the night mean?

Sleeping through the night is a common goal for many parents of newborns and infants. It generally refers to a baby sleeping for at least six consecutive hours without needing to be fed or have their nappy changed. This milestone typically occurs around three months old, but every baby is different and may not reach it until later.

It’s important for you to remember that there is no “right” time for your baby to sleep through the night. Every child is unique and will hit milestones at their own pace. Additionally, some babies may have medical conditions like reflux that make it difficult for them to sleep through. If you’re worried about your baby, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor. Trust your instincts.

There are also a few common misconceptions about helping babies sleep through the night, such as co-sleeping with your little one or letting them cry themselves back to sleep. It’s true that these approaches may work for some parents, but they may not work for you. Be patient and try not to feel frustrated if something doesn’t work. Maybe your baby prefers white noise, or maybe your baby wants to sleep in the same room. You and your baby will soon find something that works for you.

Ultimately, sleeping through the night means different things to different people. For adults, it may mean getting 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. For babies and children, it may mean getting 12-14 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period to support healthy growth and development. Whatever the case may be, everyone deserves a good night’s sleep.

Key Takeaway

Sleeping through the night is an important milestone for babies, this means a baby can sleep for 6 hours at a time and can occur around three months old, although some may not reach it until much later. It’s important to remember that every child develops differently and there is no “right” time when they should achieve this milestone.

Why is a good night’s sleep important for babies?

As a parent, you know how important a good night’s sleep is for your baby’s development and well-being. It allows their little bodies to repair and grow, while also giving them the energy they need for the day ahead. Lack of sleep can have serious consequences on a baby's health and development, both in the short and long term, so it’s important to prioritise sleep for your little one. Babies who don’t get enough rest are more likely to be irritable or fussy during the day. They may also have trouble concentrating or learning new skills because they are tired.

Babies need between 12-16 hours of sleep per day, depending on their age. Newborns may need up to 16 hours of sleep over a 24-hour period, while toddlers only need about 11 hours a day. To ensure that your baby gets enough sleep, it's important to establish good sleeping habits from an early age. This includes creating a consistent bedtime routine and making sure their bedroom is dark, quiet, and a comfortable temperature.

It's also important to avoid stimulating activities before bedtime, such as watching television. Instead, encourage your baby to move and have some physical activity during the day, and try to schedule outdoor playtime after lunch to help them feel sleepy in the evening.

Establishing a good bedtime routine is important too, carrying out the same steps each night will help your baby know that it’s time for sleep. For example, you could do a bath, moisturising massage, feed, then bedtime story to create a calming and consistent wind down routine for your little one.

If your baby wakes up frequently at night, you can try gently patting them until they fall back asleep without having to pick them up each time. This will help teach them eventually how to self-soothe and fall back asleep on their own.

A good night’s sleep is essential for your baby as it helps him or her to develop and grow and gives them the energy they need during the day. To ensure that your baby gets a restful sleep, it is important to create a comfortable and calming environment.

Key Takeaway

Good sleep is essential for your baby to develop and grow. Establishing good sleeping habits early on, such as creating a consistent bedtime routine and ensuring the environment is conducive for sleeping (dark, quiet, comfortable) can help your baby get adequate restful sleep each night. Additionally, providing enough physical activity during the day and teaching them how to self-soothe if they wake up in the middle of the night will ensure that your little one gets enough shut eye!

Developmental milestones for sleeping through the night

As a parent, you may be wondering when your baby will be ready to sleep for a longer 6-hour period at night. Before they can do that, they need to reach certain developmental milestones.

Cognitively, babies need to be able to recognise day from night and understand that night-time is for sleeping. This usually happens around four months of age.

Physically, babies need to have good head control and be able to move around in bed without help from a parent or caregiver. This usually happens around three months old.

Additionally, their bodies and brains need to be strong enough so that they don't wake up hungry several times during the night. This typically happens after six months old in a breastfed baby as your milk takes on a higher fat content, which keeps them full for longer. However, every baby is different, and some will still need a feed during the night, you will find what works best for you and your baby.

Creating a relaxing and peaceful sleep environment is key for restful sleep. This means having a dark room free from noise, such as TVs or loud music. It also means establishing a consistent bedtime routine, like reading stories together before lights out, and having a comfortable but firm mattress.

Knowing when your baby is ready to sleep through the night can be a difficult and confusing process. By understanding the developmental milestones, you can better prepare yourself and your little one for a successful transition into more consistent sleeping patterns.

Key Takeaway

Babies need to reach certain cognitive and physical milestones for them to be able to sleep through the night. Creating a relaxing sleep environment is also essential. This includes having a dark room free from noise, establishing a consistent bedtime routine, and having a comfortable but firm mattress.

When to expect your baby to sleep through the night

As parents, you’re probably dreaming of the day your baby will sleep through the night. While it may take some time, most babies will reach this milestone between four to six months old. Some may not do so until they are nine to twelve months old. Remember, every baby is different.

Establishing a bedtime routine is key for helping your baby understand when it’s time to go to sleep and stay asleep. This could include a warm bath, baby massage, a bedtime story, or singing lullabies before tucking them in for the night.

Creating a comfortable and peaceful sleeping environment is also important. Make sure their bedroom isn’t too hot or cold, keep noise levels low, and provide white noise if needed. Avoid distractions like toys or bright lights that could disrupt their sleep cycle during the night. It's important not to let your baby become overtired during the day as this can interfere with their night-time sleep patterns. If you can, aim for regular naps at consistent times to prevent overstimulation and difficulty falling asleep at night.

Every child is different, and some may take longer than others to adjust to new routines or environments. This can be frustrating for parents but try to be patient. If you're having trouble getting your baby into good sleeping habits, talk to a professional such as your doctor or a sleep coach about potential solutions tailored specifically to your situation.

With patience and consistency, your baby will eventually be able to sleep through the night.

Key Takeaway

Establishing a bedtime routine and creating an environment conducive to sleeping are key for helping your baby sleep through the night. This could include giving them a warm bath, baby massage, reading them a story, or singing lullabies before tucking them in. Keep noise levels low and use white noise if needed. Try not to let your baby become overtired during the day.

Why some babies don't sleep through the night

Having a baby who doesn't sleep through the night can be frustrating for any parent. There are several reasons why this may happen, and it’s important to understand what could be causing it to help your baby get the rest they need.

Teething: Teething can cause discomfort and pain that makes it difficult for babies to settle down enough for a good night’s sleep. If your baby is teething, you may want to try giving them something cold or hard (like a chilled teether) before bedtime as this can help numb any soreness in their gums.

Growth Spurts: Babies go through several growth spurts during their first year of life, which can lead to an increase in hunger and fussiness at night-time. During these times, your baby may wake up more often than usual, but don’t worry, this is just a stage, and it will pass.

A Peaceful Bedroom: Creating a peaceful bedroom is essential for helping your little one get enough sleep each night. To do this, use blackout curtains or shades on windows to keep the room dark. Adjust the temperature settings to ensure the room isn't too hot or too cold, the room should be 16-20 degrees Celsius. Consider using a white noise machine or app, such as rain sounds, to block out any disruptive outside noises. During the day, keep toys within reach for playtime, but out of sight at bedtime. Remove any TVs from the bedroom, as the blue light they emit has been linked to decreased melatonin production, which can make it harder to fall asleep. By following these tips, you can create an environment conducive to a good night's sleep for your child.

Key Takeaway

Babies may struggle to sleep through the night due to teething pain and growth spurts. To help them get the rest they need, create a calming bedtime routine that includes cuddles, stories, and songs. Also, make sure their bedroom is conducive to sleep by keeping it dark and at a comfortable temperature. By following these steps, your baby will be able to self-soothe and fall back to sleep without needing your intervention.

FAQs in Relation to When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night

When can babies sleep through the night without feeding?

Most babies are able to sleep through the night without feeding by around six months old. However, every baby is different, and some may take longer or shorter to reach this milestone. It's important for parents to understand their child's individual needs and provide a comfortable sleeping environment to ensure they get enough restful sleep. Establishing a bedtime routine, such as regular bath times, reading stories, cuddling, or singing lullabies, can also help your little one settle into a healthy sleep pattern.

How can I help my baby sleep longer at night?

Establishing a good sleep routine is crucial for helping your baby get the rest they need. Start by setting up a calming bedtime ritual, such as reading stories, singing lullabies, or giving them a warm bath with the new lavender & moon milk bath soak from Childs Farm. Make sure their bedroom is dark, quiet, and at a comfortable temperature. Put your baby down for naps at regular times during the day, so they're not overtired when it's time for bed. Avoid screens before bedtime and provide plenty of opportunities for physical activity throughout the day. With consistency and patience, you should soon see your baby sleeping longer at night.

How long should a two-month-old sleep at night?

The amount of sleep a two-month-old needs can vary. Generally, newborns up to three months old should sleep around 14-17 hours over a 24-hour period. At this age, babies may wake up once or twice at night for a feeding. It's important to establish healthy sleep habits early on, so your little one can get enough restful sleep each night.


At the end of the day, it's important to remember that every baby is different and will reach developmental milestones at their own pace. While some babies may sleep through the night from an early age, others may take longer to develop this skill. As parents, it's our job to be patient and understanding while helping our little ones learn how to doze off peacefully each night. With proper guidance and support, your baby will eventually learn how to fall asleep and stay asleep.

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